Helping organize the Mobile Spatial Interaction (MSI) workshop at CHI 2007 has made me very sensitive to the usage of the term MSI. Most people see Mobile and Spatial attached to Interaction and immediately start talking about location aware applications and services. However as someone who has spent the last few years working on location-aware applications, I have always felt that MSI and location-aware apps are two slightly different classes of research. As a result I’ve been spending some time thinking about how to define MSI as well as understanding how it differs (if it differs at all) from the current of location aware applications.… Read the rest
Category: mobile
Yahoo! Go: Now with GPS support
I just downloaded the latest version of Yahoo Go on my Nokia N95 and was blown away to find that it has GPS support for maps and navigation. I am on an roadtrip right now and will be use it for direction the rest of my trip. What makes it even more interesting is the fact that I have been using Nokia Maps (aka Smart2Go) for the past 10 days which should make for an interesting comparison – I’ll post a detailed comparison/review once I get home in about a week.… Read the rest
I am a great fan of in-car video during HPDEs. It is a great tool to analyze your performance and see how different lines have affected you laptimes – works even better when you have a DL1 or some other data logger. In-car video is also a great way to give people an idea of what its like to track a car and maybe even understand you keep grinning from ear to ear after each event.
However when I see the average setup (for an Elise) at an HPDE it looks to go one of two ways
1) The full on treatment: This is a full on video system that gives you the best quality video and audio and will usually record several hours without any issues.… Read the rest