mashup motorsport personal technology

F1 circuit guide

SFF1 just used a version of my F1 circuit guide on their site. It was inspired by Shane SF neighbourhood guide and is a mashup of several technologies including:

I’ll go into more details in a later post but it basically uses the TagMaps callback function to pull in content from Flickr, Wikipedia and Youtube to give a quick overview of each track.

You can also play with a version of the guide on my website.

[tags]F1, Formula 1, circuit guide, TagMaps, mashup, Pipes, Flickr, Wikipedia, YouTube[/tags]… Read the rest

autocross cars mobile review track days videos

Recording in-car video for free

I am a great fan of in-car video during HPDEs. It is a great tool to analyze your performance and see how different lines have affected you laptimes – works even better when you have a DL1 or some other data logger. In-car video is also a great way to give people an idea of what its like to track a car and maybe even understand you keep grinning from ear to ear after each event.

However when I see the average setup (for an Elise) at an HPDE it looks to go one of two ways

1) The full on treatment: This is a full on video system that gives you the best quality video and audio and will usually record several hours without any issues.… Read the rest

track days

Track day safety

As I mentioned in my last post I was at Thunderhill with T.E.A.M this weekend for a track day that was organized at the last minute. We unfortunately had a pretty bad accident when a Viper lost it coming out of turn 13 and was absolutely totaled when it hit the barriers (the concrete block literally cracked on impact). We did have some anxious moments as we waited for the safety crew to get there (they were on the scene in under a minute) it turned out that both the driver and passenger were fine.

When I tell people about an incident like this they usually ask me why I do this and I respond that its tracking is a relatively safe activity with very few incidents if you follow some simple guidelines.… Read the rest

track days

Heading to Thunderhill on Sunday

Heading to Thunderhill tomorrow

(image from

Got a chance to get some cheap tracktime ($140 for 3.5 hours) at Thunderhill on Sunday with Bonnie and T.E.A.M. She runs some great events and while the groups are not as fast as NCRC it should be good fun. I’ve only been to Thunderhill once before and that was on a wet-dry kind of day which is never good for building a good rhythm. I even had my first (and so far only) spin while coming out of turn 6 – the entry was dry but the exit was wet which led to me losing the rear and doing a full 180.… Read the rest

cars motorsport videos

Goodbye Michael!!! [Orig posted: 23/10/2006]

Last Sunday was the end of an era in F1 when Michael Schumacher finally hung up his boots. He may not have won his final race but he gave some moments of intense action that will not be forgotten soon. Here are some of the overtaking moves he made in his final race.

Overtaking Fisichella in the first few laps – I’m amazed he was able to catch that slide.

Overtaking Fisichella once again – he pressured Fisi in the final few laps until the Italian finally just cracked.

And finally a true balls to the wall maneuver down the inside of Kimi Raikkonen going into turn one.… Read the rest