mashup personal work

Trip tracker

UPDATE: Since Yahoo! has shut down may of the services that Trip Tracker relied upon I have replaced the live links with some real example images that I captured over the years.


Trip tracker is a quick hack that I created using the FireEagle location platform from Yahoo! Research Berkeley and is designed to convery a quick summary or what I’m doing during my summer holiday. The first part is a badge image (above) that shows you some quick summary about my current location. It shows you the following things

Location: A map tile of my location which zooms appropriately based on the accuracy of the available location.… Read the rest


GeoRSS maker

I’ve had some time over the weekend and decided to put some finishing touches on a couple of mashups that I started a few months ago but never completed. The first of these is the GeoRSS Maker which is something I dreamed up when I was making a GeoRSS file for my F1 circuit guide. At that time the process I uses was to first make a GeoRSS template file with a bunch of empty item elements before manually looking up the geographical coordinates of each individual racetrack(usually available on wikipedia) and entering the data into the template. This process was painful enough that I decided to build an automated way to extract coordinates from Wikipedia and insert them into a GeoRSS file.… Read the rest

mashup motorsport personal technology

F1 circuit guide

SFF1 just used a version of my F1 circuit guide on their site. It was inspired by Shane SF neighbourhood guide and is a mashup of several technologies including:

I’ll go into more details in a later post but it basically uses the TagMaps callback function to pull in content from Flickr, Wikipedia and Youtube to give a quick overview of each track.

You can also play with a version of the guide on my website.

[tags]F1, Formula 1, circuit guide, TagMaps, mashup, Pipes, Flickr, Wikipedia, YouTube[/tags]… Read the rest