I was browsing through the STC Usability SIG when I found a wonderful heuristic evaluation checklist. I especially like the arrangement where it is broken up into
1. Visibility of System Status (29 points)
2. Match Between System and the Real World (24 points)
3. User Control and Freedom (23 points)
4. Consistency and Standards(51 points)
5. Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover From Errors (21 points)
6. Error Prevention (15 points)
7. Recognition Rather Than Recall (40 points)
8. Fexibility and Minimalist Design (16 points)
9. Aesthetic and Minimalist Design (12 points)
10. Help and Documentation (23 points)
11. Skills (22 points)
12. Pleasurable and Respectful Interaction with the User (17 points)
13. Privacy (3 points)
It’s very well written though I’m not sure if using a term like “Aesthetic and Minimalist Design” is a good choice for a corporate report-sounds a little too Tufte’sque 😉